About the Services...
Finding top tier talent is a challenge for any business; getting the person with the right skills, in the right location, with the right fit for your business can be the most significant thing between success and failure, but it is definitely not a combination easily solved. When it comes to small business, this becomes extra difficult. Companies like Google, Apple, Lockheed Martin, and CardinalHealth have established brands -- people go searching for those job opportunities. But small businesses don't have that prestige, so they are more at the whim of career sites that can charge around $400 per month for a single job posting -- without even so much as a guarantee any quality applications will come. Consider three plus vacancies, and already a company is talking well over $1000 a month. Perhaps nothing to a major business, but the possible difference between staying up and closing for a small business. Obviously, there is the recruiter option, which can deliver quality results, but a successful hire can cost a business thousands -- worth it, perhaps, but stretching a small business thin.
And so vacancies stick around for months or even years -- oftentimes, just becoming placeholders on so many small businesses' websites. The Chamber understands this, and thus offers our services for next to nothing to small businesses across the country. Obviously, we cannot help every business in every situation, but we do have an extensive amount of connections -- many of them military personnel looking to transition into civilian life. Instead of passive recruiting services from various job websites, and instead of spending potentially tens of thousands of dollars on a recruiter, let us try to help you first.
Benefits of the Service...
If your company is a Member of the Chamber, you can get a little more focused attention and span the entirety of our network of thousands and thousands of interested candidates. Simply log in and fill out a description of the job listing. We'll then get that posting out to thousands of job seekers. We don't do background checks or resume processing, but we hope to get a lot more resumes coming your way so you can fill those empty positions faster!
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